Institutional cooperation
Build bridges between governments, civil society, international organizations related to public procurement
- To assist public procurement agencies, as requested, for establishing synergies between countries and experts.
- To generate synergies among International organizations, academia, civil society and private sector.
- To create institutional relations with other sub-regional and international networks in order to share experiences and lessons learned.
- To support, recognize and promote the successful initiatives’ replicability as a models for other countries.
- To promote regional strategies (supranational demands).
Annual Conferences
Panama hosted the XVII Annual Conference of the INGP 2022

Webinar: “Shaping the future through Sustainable Public Procurement – Green Building Considerations”
Webinar: “Shaping the Future through Sustainable Public Procurement: Actions from the Caribbean”
Webinar “Fighting COVID19 trough Public Procurement”
INGP Publications
INGP Declaration: “Public Procurement as a strategic area for generating greater public value and better access to citizens’ rig...
INGP Publications
“Model Directive for the Promotion of Sustainable Public Procurement”
INGP Publications
Study: “Evaluation of the response of Latin American Public Procurement Systems to the challenges of COVID-19 (available only in Spani...
INGP Publications
Study “Subregional Diagnosis of the Data of the Public Procurement and Contracting System (available in Spanish)” OAS-CAF
INGP Publications
Purpose-driven companies and the regulation of the Fourth Sector in Latin America – Jurisdictional Report of Costa Rica (available onl...

INGP Publications
Purpose-driven companies and the regulation of the Fourth Sector in Latin America – Jurisdictional Report of Mexico (available only in Spa...

INGP Publications
Estudio de Factibilidad sobre Argentina – Incorporación de las Empresas de Triple Impacto como Proveedoras del Estado

INGP Publications
Estudio de Factibilidad sobre Panamá – Incorporación de las Empresas de Triple Impacto como Proveedoras del Estado

INGP Publications
Estudio de Factibilidad sobre Uruguay – Incorporación de las Empresas de Triple Impacto como Proveedoras del Estado

INGP Publications
Estudio de Factibilidad sobre Paraguay – Incorporación de las Empresas de Triple Impacto como Proveedoras del Estado

Estudio de Factibilidad sobre Uruguay – Incorporación de las Empresas de Triple Impacto como Proveedoras del Estado

Ensuring Transparency in Emergency Procurement: Recommendations
Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in Asuncion

Panama hosted the XVII Annual Conference of the INGP 2022

INGP Member States adopt the Regional Declaration: “Public Procurement as a strategic area for generating greater public value and bet...
“Model Directive for the Promotion of Sustainable Public Procurement”
Webinar: “Shaping the future through Sustainable Public Procurement – Green Building Considerations”
Webinar: “Shaping the Future through Sustainable Public Procurement: Actions from the Caribbean”
29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more