Workshop “Challenges and Opportunities in the implementation of Free Trade Agreements on Government Procurement in Central America”
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The agenda included presentations and round tables aimed at discussing issues of common interest and at identifying the most important areas and specific issues for technical cooperation.
Conclusions of the meeting:
- The meetings are a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences among Government Procurement Managers, their legal advisors, negotiators of Government Procurement in Free Trade Agreements and IT Directors. This was the first opportunity that they meet with their similar to discuss important issues such as the challenges of the CAFTA and others FTA to the Government Procurement and joint cooperation to capacity building in Government Procurement.
- To highlight the benefits of the OAS’s Government Procurement Program to the countries; including the identifications of lessons learned and best practices; preparation of project profiles and institutional development.
- The importance of the preparation of technical cooperation project profile, to be submitted by the countries to national and multilateral organizations. Each country took the compromise of prepare sub regional technical cooperation project profiles in areas of common interest.
- To establish a Central American Government Procurement Program under the framework of the activities of the Inter-American Government Procurement Network to put together all activities associated to issues and areas of joint action that were identified as a priority. This Program has the objective of provide a platform to allow Central-American countries to coordinate technical cooperation activities among them, with other countries in the Americas and multilateral institutions in order to facilitate the development of Government Procurement electronic information systems. This program is lead by the national directors of government procurement of Central America and Panama. The Government of El Salvador will coordinate the first year of activities of the program.
+ Aditional downloads
Presentation Tomas Campero
Informe Final: Conclusiones y Recomendaciones
RESOLUCION N° 143-2014-OSCE-PRE-2.pdf
RESOLUCION N° 143-2014-OSCE-PRE-1.pdf
Resolucion Ministerial 789-2011-EF10.pdf
Plan Estrategico Institucional OSCE.pdf
Actas de Aceptacion y Compromisos de entidades PAS 2014-2.pdf
Actas de Aceptacion y Compromisos de entidades PAS 2014-1.pdf
RESOLUCION N° 068-2013-OSCE-PRE-3.pdf
RESOLUCION N° 068-2013-OSCE-PRE-2.pdf
RESOLUCION N° 068-2013-OSCE-PRE-1.pdf
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