Project Coordination Meeting Professionalization of Public Procurement
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Under INGP activities, with the aim of designing a project Professionalization of Public Procurement, led by the OAS and the IDB, was held the first meeting of the project working group on days 17 and 18 December 2012, in Lima, Peru, in collaboration with the Agency Superior State Contracts (OSCE) in Peru.
In order to define this new project and participatory dialogue with the countries of the region, has established a working group made up of Chile, Ecuador, Panama and Peru, which serve as conduits for other countries INGP, with to identify the common elements to be considered for the development of skills and certification in procurement.
The workshop presented the progress, experiences, needs and requirements of the countries of the American hemisphere in training and accreditation in public procurement, as well as the definition of the key issues and components of the new project.
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