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The workshop on Framework Agreement was organized by the INGP, through the OAS, the IDRC and the IADB, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation(AECID) in Bolivia
Jorge Luis Gonzalez, international expert in public procurement in Ecuador, coordinated and directed the workshop along with the support from Chile, Panama and Peru, and the help of Lorena Caro, Head of Division on Framework Agreement for ChileCompra of Chile, Ana Marissa Diaz, Coordinator of Framework Agreement for PanamaCompra of Panama, and Dennis Resoalgli, supervisor of Framework Agreement of the Subdivision of Special Processes of the OSCE in Peru.
Tomas Campero, Leader specialist in procurement, IDB
Jorge Luis Gonzales, International expert in procurement
In conclusion, the workshop highlights the need for governments in Latin America to advance in the implementation of framework agreements in order to facilitate the contracting of goods and services in their countries. The possibility of working in the structuring of a project on supranational framework agreements was also proposed.
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29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more