Workshop for the Coordination of the Project on Professionalism in Public Procurement.
Find in the RICG database information organized by thematics, countries and type.

With the purpose of defining the project through participation and dialogue within countries of the region, a group has been built by Chile, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru, whom will act as representatives to those countries of the INGP, with the goal of identifying common elements for the development of capabilities and certification in public procurement of the region.
Throughout the workshop, advances, experiences, necessities, and requirement of the countries in the American hemisphere in tanning and accreditation on Public procurement were presented, as well as the definition of these key topics and components for the new project.
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lista de participantes
Presentación Chile
Presentación Ecuador
Presentación Panamá
Presentación Perú
Presentación Antecedentes del Proyecto
Presentación Tomás Campero
Presentación experiencia Nicaragua - Oscar Chinea
Rolando Martinez Presentation
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