VIII Annual Conference of the INGP, 2012


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The Inter-American Network on Public Procurement (INGP), and the General Directory of Public Procurement in Panama, with the support of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), present the 8th Annual Conference on Public Procurement in the Americas. This Annual Conference, which this year has the support of the World Bank, is the premiere exponent of dialogue, exchange of ideas, organizational and administrative capacity of the INGP—and it has become the most relevant forum for technical discussions on the promotion of progress in development and public procurement in the Americas.

The INGP is a collaborative work network, composed by the greatest authorities in regulation, policy and government programs for the modernization of public procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its executive committee, selected annually by its own members, has the purpose of advancing joint activities for the development of public procurement in the region.

Previous conferences have taken place in Santo Domingo (2011), Lima (2010), Mexico City (2009), Panama (2008), Paraguay (2007), Lima (2006), Atlanta (2005) and Vancouver (2004). All of them have had the important participation of INGP members and representatives from Multilateral Organisms.

This is because as part of the Annual Conference’s framework, is a coordination meeting of the INGP. The participation of international experts and government leaders make these annual meetings a source of actualized information on public procurement systems in member countries.

As part of the VIII Annual Conference international experts and public procurement office directors in Latin America will hold several presentations open to the public in general. Private meetings, on the other hand, include detailed presentations on the progress of member countries and different initiatives of different programs within the Network.

It is worth mentioning that during this VIII Annual Conference, the INGP will award the third edition of the “Joseph Francois Robert Marcello” award, ans the launch of the Award “Innovation in Government Procurement”.


The public session will be open to the participation of public officials, academics and private sector representatives who are interested in public procurement modernization processes.

In the private session, representatives of the INGP from member countries, partner institutions and international experts and collaborators of the Network will participate.


Public Session

  • Diffusion of latest advancements and presentation of the most memorable experiences in the modernization of public procurement in the region.
  • Contribution to the professional development and strengthening of the capacities of INGP members.
  • Generation of lively dialogue, exchange of experiences and cooperation between public procurement leaders in the Americas.

Private Session

  • Presentation of the progress of Latin American countries in public procurement.
  • Presentation of the 2012 report on procurement and a revision of the Work Plan for 2012-2013.
  • Renovation of the INGP governmental organization

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