The Modernization of Government Procurement in the Caribbean
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Government procurement authorities from 12 CARICOM member states gathered in Jamaica for two days to discuss how to move forward the region’s government procurement modernization efforts as well as to enroll in the Inter-American Government Procurement Network (INGP).
This two-day workshop hosted by the Ministry of Finance and Public Service of the Government of Jamaica and co-organized by the Organization of American States (OAS), CARICOM, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB), the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF/IDB), and the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA/IDRC), allowed the CARICOM member states to discuss their advancements, challenges and needs in undertaking government procurement modernization efforts as well as to set up means for regional collaboration.
During his opening remarks, Hon. Audley Shaw, Minister of Finance and the Public Service of the Government of Jamaica, reminded all participants that government procurement accounts for 20-30% of the region’s GDP or above US$4 billion dollars which makes it a key area to prevent corruption and promote transparency in government functioning.
The Inter-American Government Procurement Network (INGP) has its Executive Secretariat at the OAS and its membership is comprised of all Government Procurement authorities of the Americas after the workshop held in Jamaica.
The President of the INGP Mrs. Victoria Miron of El Salvador also attended the workshop.
With the financial support of the US Department of State, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and ICA/IDRC, the IGPN has been in operation for the past three years facilitating the exchange of solutions, knowledge and experts as well as promoting coordinated efforts in key government procurement areas.
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