Sustainable Public Procurement Workshop


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The INGP through the Organization of American States (OAS), the UNEP, and the National Environmental Authority in Panama (ANAM), have joined forces in the framework of the Global Program of “Capacities Strengthening of Sustainable Public Procurement “, to organize the “Sustainable Public Procurement Workshop”.

The regional workshop has been created with the following objectives:

. To identify the achieved results in the pilot projects approved by the UNEP;

. To promote the exchange of lessons learned in the use of Marrakech Team Work methodology to sustainable public procurement during the first phase of the implementation;

. To propose reviews and improvements in the work approach for its strengthening in view of the second implementation phase that will begin in January 2012;

. To share lessons learned with other INGP members; and

. To design a new support project for sustainable public procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean, as an expression of the “Sustainable Public Procurement Initiative”, launched during the nineteenth meeting of the Sustainable Development Commission.

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