Succesful Closing XIII INGP Annual Conference
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The XIII INGP Annual Conference was held in October 3-6, 2017 in the City of Santiago de Chile. The theme of the Conference was “Value for Money in Public Procurement,” emphasizing the need for and importance of adopting this concept as a principle of and approach to all public procurement processes, of a multicriteria approach to different aspects of the quality of a good or service; and of the implementation of sustainability criteria (economic, environmental, and social) in bidding processes.
The Conference was attended by over 300 individuals, including representatives and authorities of the entities responsible for State procurement of 32 Latin America and Caribbean countries, and of Canada; and over 80 international experts and delegations from the OAS, the IDB, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Public Sessions

The Conference was opened by Ms. Michelle Bachelet, President of the Republic of Chile, accompanied by Mr. Nestor Mendez, Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS); Ms. Trinidad Inostroza Castro, Director of ChileCompra; Ms. Patricia Peña, Ambassador of Canada to Chile; and Ms. Carolyn Robert, Representative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Chile.
In that context, the President of Chile underscored the achievements being made by that country in public procurement and emphasized that the INGP was the Hemisphere’s most relevant network in this area.
The Assistant Secretary General of the OAS underscored the importance of the activities of the INGP in the last 14 years, it being a technical public procurement mechanism and referent. He also noted that public procurement was vital in promoting transparency and combating corruption in the region.
The theme of the Conference was “Value for Money in Public Procurement,” emphasizing the need for and importance of adopting this concept as a principle of and approach to all public procurement processes, of a multicriteria approach to different aspects of the quality of a good or service; and of the implementation of sustainability criteria (economic, environmental, and social) in bidding processes.
The agenda consisted of the following six discussion panels:
- Procurement methods and tools that ensure best value for money in public procurement
- Open procurement and open data as mechanisms to ensure transparency in public procurement
- Value to society
- Is integrity good business in public procurement?
- The digital economy and the incorporation of technology in public procurement
- National experiences of obtaining best value for money.
Closing Session

During the private session of the Network, the OAS, as its Technical Secretariat, presented the report on its activities and results obtained in fiscal year 2017.
The participating member countries shared their progress in the public procurement area and engaged in dialogue on regional needs and challenges for coming years.
The OAS as Technical Secretariat of the INGP presented the Activitie´s Annual Report, and the authorities 2017-2019 was elected.
INGP President:
Cecile Maragh, Director, Procurement and Asset Policy Unit, Jamaica
Executive Committee:
- Representative for North America: Canada
Representative of the Caribbean: Principal – Barbados; Alternate – Guyana
- Representative of Central America: Panama
- Representative of the Andean Region: Ecuador
- Representative of the Southern Cone: Uruguay
It was decided that Washington, D.C. would be the site of the XIV Annual Conference of the INGP.
+ Aditional downloads
Short Summary XIII Annual Conference
INGP acivity report 2017
Caribbean advances and challenges 2017
Advances an challenges for Central America
Advances and challenges- South America
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