“IV Central American and the Caribbean Forum: Transparency, Engagement, and Access to Public Procurement with an emphasis on the MSMEs.”


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The Office of Procurement of Dominican republic, along with the assistance of the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) of Organization of American states (OAS), Transparency International, the Ministry of the Executive, and the Ministry of External Affairs, organized the “IV Central American and the Caribbean Forum: Transparency, Engagement, and Access to Public Procurement with an emphasis on the SMEs.” The forum took place at the Hotel El Embajador in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic from the 4th to 6th of June.
 The Government of Dominican Republic is currently implementing a reform and modernization program for the area of government procurement with a focus on transparency, access and civil engagement, and emphasis on equal opportunities for SMEs and suppliers. 
The opening event enjoyed the participation of the President of Dominican Republic, Danillo Medina and the Ministry of the Executive, who gave way to the official opening of the event. 
Among the participants were region members of transparency international, chiefs of procurement of the region, civil society groups that are linked to SMEs, members of the international cooperation and the public sector, as well as the academia and various a media outlets. The event was able to promote the commitment to strengthen the efficiency, efficacy, and equity among the systems of public procurement through the implementation of transparency in public policy. 
Participants enjoyed conferences held by international experts, such as debate panels and working groups that focused on the themes of transparency, access, and civil engagement with a special emphasis on mSMEs. 
One of the highlights of the IV Forum was the launching of the INGP’s “The Citizen’s Observatory of Public Procurement” that gave emphasis to citizen oversight commissions. 
The event concluded with the signing of the Declaration of Santo Domingo: ““Por la Transparencia, Participación y Acceso a las Compras Públicas”(for Transparency, Engagement, and Access to Public Procurement), which has the objective of achieving efficiency, efficacy, transparency, and equity in the systems of public procurement, as well as to achieve the incorporation of SMEs, suppliers, and the general public.

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