Find in the RICG database information organized by thematics, countries and type.
Due to the large amount of options offered by the market, both in self-declarations of manufacturers as third-party certification, could be detrimental to indicate only a product to be “environmentally friendly” or “socially responsible” and not specify which aspects will be assessed.
Here are a number of examples of socio-environmental statements and their possible use in purchasing processes. Not intended to be an exhaustive list, but illustrative of the variety of options and possibilities of verification that the Administration could use in the purchasing process.
Functions of the Executive Committee
- To ensure compliance with the basic standards for the organization and operation of INGP.
- Organize technical, budgetary and logistical Annual Conference, in coordination with the Technical Secretariat and the host country.
- Keeping the Membership Directory, and prior to this year’s Annual Conference, the Executive Committee will review and update the membership directory.
- Receive information, documentation, statements, recommendations and appendices that support the performance of their predecessors.
- Prepare the Annual Work Plan and submit it for approval to the Annual Conference.
- Coordinate and support the implementation of the Annual Work Plan approved by the Conference.
- Coordinate with donor agencies and multilateral institutions in the implementation of projects and activities that support the objectives of the Network.
- Cooperate with the Presidency and the Technical Secretariat to develop the most appropriate strategies and actions for access to resources by member institutions of the Network in the Annual Work Plan of the Network
Election Period
During the annual conference, will enable a space on the agenda for each geographic area elects its representative on the Executive Committee, which will be the most voted candidate among the countries of the geographical area concerned.
In case where a candidate this area not occupied by the plaza will be choosing a representative for the network based on an open standard. The President in accordance with the Executive Committee may invite the Committee to integrate multilateral agencies that have programs to support the development of public procurement. They participate with voice but no vote.
Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDuring February 21, 22, and 23, 2024, the XVIII Annual Conference of the Inter-American Network on Government Procu...
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29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more