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This topic is very important and we are pleased to see how each year increases the number of institutions that have an Environmental Purchasing Policy.

The Network had a gradual formation process from the first meetings held since 2003 between the heads of national offices and programs to modernize government procurement in the Americas. In the first instance, a network of Inter-American E-Government Procurement which was initiated in September 2004 and later, in June 2005, became the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement to expand labor issues and enlist other initiatives related to Government Procurement in the Americas. Since its creation in 2004, the INGP has become the most recognized body of regional technical cooperation in the field of government procurement which has focused, in recent years, on facilitating the exchange of experiences and best practices among its members, qualifying human resources working in national entities responsible for government procurement, generating and disseminating knowledge about the sector, promoting the incorporation of information technology and communication as tools of efficiency and transparency, and promoting regional coordination and harmonization in key aspects of national government procurement systems.
The Network has Constitutional Statutes, which were approved by the members of the INGP in 2008, in Panama City, and in which it appears that the Network is structured as follows: The Technical Secretariat, headed OAS, a President and an Executive Committee composed of representatives from member countries for the five geographical areas of the region; as well as by the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC), international organizations that support financially and institutionally the Network since its creation, in order to establish an area of cooperation in the hemisphere in the most important area of public administration and to convey to the citizens an image of credibility in their institutions in the area of government procurement.

The activities of the Network enjoy the participation of various public actors related to government procurement of their countries in order to generate and disseminate learning, discussion, exchange of experiences and good practices in this area.


Through the creation and dissemination of information, access to experts, the organization of workshops, conferences, cooperation between institutions, training of public officials and mobilization of technical support, we seek to help reduce the time, cost and risk of implementing initiatives such as the development of e-government procurement while increasing the quality and impact of the solutions adopted by each country.
The Network has an inter-American reach and includes the promotion of technical cooperation projects in the areas of interest identified by the countries.
Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDuring February 21, 22, and 23, 2024, the XVIII Annual Conference of the Inter-American Network on Government Procu...
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Panama hosted the XVII Annual Conference of the INGP 2022On October 5, 6 and 7, 2022, the XVII Annual Conference of the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (IN...
29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more