Government Procurement and Free Trade in the Americas
Find in the RICG database information organized by thematics, countries and type.
Governments in many countries – at all levels of development – struggle with increasing budget
deficits and soaring national debts. Over the last century, government spending, as a percentage
of gross domestic product has tended to increase and with it has increased the range of services
offered by governments and the volume of public procurement resulting from it. The growth in
public procurement has been accompanied by a growth in public procurement legislation.
deficits and soaring national debts. Over the last century, government spending, as a percentage
of gross domestic product has tended to increase and with it has increased the range of services
offered by governments and the volume of public procurement resulting from it. The growth in
public procurement has been accompanied by a growth in public procurement legislation.
As the public sector grew, a need made itself to seek assistance form the private sector to provide
public services on a contractual and sub-contractual basis. In various countries, especially those
characterized by a civil law system, government contracts took on a peculiar nature, distinct from
private contracts constituting a distinct legal category, separated form private contracts rules
concerning contract formation, termination, settlement of disputes and other situations.
Functions of the Technical Secretariat

- Support the work of the Executive Committee in the design and implementation of the Annual Plan, monitoring and evaluation of activities and access management and opportunities for international cooperation.
- Collaborate with the Executive Committee in identifying opportunities for cooperation with international development finance.
- Assist the Executive Committee in the identification and management of international cooperation resources.
- Participate in Executive Committee meetings and prepare the minutes.
- Design and implement specific projects along the lines of the Annual Conference and the Executive Committee, particularly those designed to strengthen horizontal cooperation among member institutions INGP.
- Collaborate with the Executive Committee and the Presidency in the preservation of documents and records relevant to the historical memory of INGP.
- Organize meetings and other activities defined by the Network.
- Coordinate communications Institutional Network with its members, with donors and funding agencies and other entities with which the network maintains operational relations.
- Administration website Network making it a tool to support the implementation of the Annual Work Plan.
- Maintain relations with bodies of related objectives, such as business associations, multilateral banks and civil society organizations.

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