The Public Procurement Service (PPS) of the Republic of Korea hosted the Korea- LAC Electronic Government Procurement Training
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On March 6-11, 2017 the Public Procurement Service (PPS) of the Republic of Korea hosted the Korea- LAC Electronic Government Procurement Training in Seoul and Gimcheon with support from the Inter-American Development Bank. The objective of the training was to provide participants with an opportunity to learn about best practices in electronic government procurement and have hands on experience and training in the award winning KONEPS system, one of the world’s best electronic procurement platforms.
Participants from six different countries participated, including representatives from Argentina, Jamaica, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, and 3 delegates from Paraguay. In the case of Argentina, there were eight representatives from the sub-national level (City of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Corrientes, Mendoza, Neuquén, Province of Buenos Aires, Salta and Santa Fe).
+ Aditional downloads
Korea Training Agenda
Workshop: Korea- LAC Electronic Government Procurement Training
Electronic Government Procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean
Sistema Integrado de Compras Públicas SICOP Costa Rica
Operation of PPS Call Center
Procurement Policy for Revitalizing Economy and Industry
KONEPS Based e-GP Projects
The specific examples of KONEPS established in overseas
e-Evaluation of KONEPS
Data Openness of Korea e-Procurement
Public Procurement & E-Procurement Legal System in KOREA
Contract Policy for Purchasing Goods
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