The INGP Sub-regional Workshop for South American countries takes place in Panama City
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Nine representatives of various countries, accompanied by various officials of international organizations and experts in public procurement participated in the sub-regional workshop of the INGP. The objective of this meeting was to exchange experiences along with international experts, around topics of common interest in the region, allowing for the needs assessment of each of the countries.
Sub-regional workshop of South America
In compliance with the established pledges of the past Annual Conference in Santo Domingo, and with the goal of continuing to support and strengthen the exchange of experiences among the member states of the INGP that share common needs and challenges, the Government of Panama, through the General Directorate of Public Procurement, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the International Development Research Center (IDRC), organized the Sub-regional workshop of South America, this past September 10th, at the RIU Plaza Hotel, Panama City.
Over 30 people participated, representing 9 countries of the region. Among these were officials of international organizations and experts on the various topics.
Relevant topics of the workshop:
Qualifications Development and Certification/ Accreditation in Government Procurement.
National Procurement and SMEs Procurement.
Measuring of savings and the efficiency in public procurement.
Ecosystem for the professionalization of public procurement: training, certification, and accreditation.
Exchange of knowledge and experiences: Open discussion.
See agenda
See participants’ list
See speakers’ presentations
+ Aditional downloads
Presentation Gian Luigi Albano
01 - Modelo de Gestión de Servicios.pdf
01 -01 Enfoque de Servicios Publicos.pdf
02 -Postulación PNC 2015 - Parte 1.pdf
02 -Postulación PNC 2015 - Parte 2.pdf
03 -Estudio de Mercado para MIPYMES - Parte 1.pdf
03 -Estudio de Mercado para MIPYMES - Parte 2.pdf
04 - Informe MIPYME CF.pdf
05 - Informe de Diagnósticos SAJOMA.pdf
06 - Master PEI y POA Contrataciones Públicas - Parte 1.pdf
06 - Master PEI y POA Contrataciones Públicas - Parte 2.pdf
07 - Informe de cumplimiento del Decreto No 164-13.pdf
08 - Reglamento de la Comisión de Veeduría.pdf
09 - Relacion ACUERDOS Y_CONVENIOS.pdf
10 -Reporte de metas Presidenciales.pdf
11 - Declaración Final Foro de Agricultura.pdf
12 - Declaración mujeres.pdf
13 - Decreto-188-14.pdf
14 - Decreto-164-13.pdf
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