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The event was organized by the Directorate General of Public Procurement of Panama (CMPD) and the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP), through the support of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) , and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
Among the issues discussed during the public sessions of the conference are: “Trends in public procurement in the region and the world”, “success stories in public procurement”, “Innovations in hiring”, “New approaches institutional development “,” International Practices in Public Procurement “, among others. In private meetings for members of the Network, there were numerous presentations on the progress of public procurement by country, challenges and future plans, as well as other relevant presentations by leading researchers in the region.
It highlights the Prize ‘Joseph Fançois Robert Marcello “Leadership in Public Procurement, awarded to the Unit Holder Procurement Policy, Ministry of Public Administration of Mexico, Javier Davila, for his commitment to public procurement , innovation, political management, knowledge generation, long-term vision and cooperation with other countries.
Likewise the award for “Innovation in Government Procurement”, given to the Secretariat of Logistics and Information Technology, Ministry of Planning, Organization and Management of Brazil’s project “Sustainable Public Procurement”. And an honorable mention to the Directorate of Public Procurement and Chile with its project on “Electronic Contract Management Application in Public Market”.
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