Seventh Annual Conference of the INGP


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Date and venue: October 18 to 20, 2011. Auditorium of the Ministry of Finance, Sto. Domingo, Dominican Republic

The Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) and the Directorate General of Public Procurement of the Dominican Republic, with support from the Organization of American States (OAS), Interamerican Development Bank (IDB), International Research Center Development (IDRC) and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), organized the Seventh Annual Conference on Government Procurement in the Americas.

The Annual Conference is the highest instance of dialogue, exchange, organization and management INGP and has become the most important technical forum for disseminating advances in the development of government procurement in the Americas.


Public session

• Disseminate latest advances by INGP members and present best practices on public procurement modernization.
• Contribute to the professional development of the participants and strengthen the capacity of INGP members. 
• Encourage dialogue, exchange of experiences, and cooperation among public procurement leaders of the region.

During the Seventh Annual Conference will be held open to the public presentations by international experts and heads of government procurement offices in the Americas. On this occasion, among the topics to be discussed at the Seventh Conference include: ICT as a tool for modernizing public procurement, institutional capacity, public procurement and policy support to MSMEs, diagnostic systems and assessment of procurement, among others.

It is important to note that during the Seventh Annual Conference it will be handed the edition No. 2 of the Leadership Award “Joseph François Robert Marcello” in Public Procurement by which it is given recognition to public servants of the Americas who are committed to the performance of this important task in the public service.

Relevant Documents:


Participant list

Speakers presentations

Final Reoport of the VII Annual Conference

+ Aditional downloads