OSCE Obtains an Award on Good Practices in Public Management 2013.
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The Supervising Agency on Government Procurement (OSCE) received an award for Good Practices on Public Management 2013, under the category “Efficient Procurement Process with the Implementation of an Electronic Catalog on Framework Agreements.” An approach that has facilitated online transactions amounting to 400 million soles, among 500 suppliers, and other different state entities.
The Executive President of the OSCE, Magali Rojas Delgado, stressed the importance of this tool due to its reduction in the duration of the procurement process; reducing its duration by one to five days. The system developed a clear, immediate, and secure process by guaranteeing transparent transactions between the state and suppliers, and has also permitted an important reduction in administrative costs due to the rising participation in the selection processes.
The Award for Good Practices in Public Management of Ciudadanos al Dia, is an annual competition that has as its main objective to identify, recognize, and awards those experiences that have produced the most outstanding results regarding state agencies in favor of the citizen’s quality of life, and ideas that can be replicated by other public agencies.
Through this award, Cuidadanos al Dia, aims to change the management of public agencies, such that it can orient the officials towards the centrality of the procurement process, responding to specific needs, and ensuring above all quality service to the customer. The award aims to incentivize all public servants towards the betterment of their service.
In a dialogue between journalists of the network of Cuidadanos al Dia, Rojas Delgado, highlighted that this award demonstrates a concrete advance in the Politics of Electronic Government and the modernization process of the state, such that the OSCE has been distinguished this year as one among the twenty-one institution with Good practices in Public Management, and with a participation of 262 institutions.
On 2012, almost 60% of the suppliers that participated under the Electronic Catalog on Framework Agreements were small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which have facilitated the creation of business opportunities within the state. “It’s a game with clear rules. Everyone ends up winning” Emphasized the executive of the Electronic Catalog.
Likewise it was expressed that through the daily use of the Electronic Catalog with Framework Agreements, the OSCE promotes virtually millions of goods and services offered by suppliers; including office supplies, printers, phones, scanners, accessories, and much more.
The Executive Director of Ciudadanos al Dia, Carolina Gibu, highlighted that the Category of Efficiency in Public Procurement was not awarded in 2012; therefore, the distinction to the Supervising Agency on Government Procurement is far more significant.
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