Mr. Eldis Sanchez, Director of Public Procurement in Panama is chosen as President of the INGP
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During the private sessions of the VIII INGP Annual Conference, the representatives of 26 countries chose unanimously the new president of the INGP for the period 2012-2013.
The following, are some of the functions of the new president:
1. Convene and coordinate meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual Conference.
2. Represent the INGP.
3. Coordinate the support of the Technical Secretariat for the management of resources and access to international cooperation. 4. Leading the implementation of the activities described in the Annual Work Plan and any other activity that is required for the consolidation and development of the Network.
5. Request technical and administrative support of the Technical Secretariat of the Network as it deems necessary for the proper functioning of it.
Also, during the conference, Uruguay was chosen as the venue for the IX INGP Annual Conference and the new executive committee for 2012-2013:
Area 1- North America: Mexico
Area 2 – Central America, Panama and Dominican Republic: El Salvador
Area 3 – Andean Community: Colombia
Area 4 – MERCOSUR and Chile: Chile
Area 5 – Caribbean: St. Lucia
Likewise, it also consists of the representatives of the supporting institutions of the INGP.
The functions of the executive committee are:
1. To safeguard the compliance of the organization’s basic norms and operations of the INGP.
2. To organize the technical, budget and logistics of the Annual Conference in coordination with the Technical Secretariat and the host country.
3. To review and update the Directory of Members before the Annual Conference in order to keep the Directory of Members annually updated.
4. To receive the information, documentation, statements, recommendations, and annexes that supports the performance of their predecessors.
5. To prepare the Annual Work Plan and submit it for the approval of the Annual Conference.
6. To coordinate and support the implementation of the Annual Work Plan approved by the Conference.
7. To coordinate with donor agencies and multilateral institutions, the implementation of projects and activities that support the objectives of the Network.
8. To cooperate with the Presidency and the Technical Secretariat, in the development of appropriate strategies and actions for the member institutions of the Network to obtain access to resources.
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