Measuring the impact and progress of sustainable public procurement in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Sustainable public procurement (SPC) is considered one of the great engines to promote a green and sustainable economy in developing countries. For this reason, several international cooperation programs exist to finance projects and activities to promote the implementation of this approach to public procurement and some countries are already investing in local funds for this approach. As a result, several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are showing great progress and encouraging results.
This study proposes a set of indicators for each of the areas (economic, environmental, social, innovation and progress in implementation) that include the integration of these areas in a gradual and progressive form. The proposed indicators take into account the pre – feasibility of implementation in terms of data collection and are linked to some of the priorities of the region in each of the areas. These indicators have been identified so that the countries of the region can implement them within an ideal framework. This framework should consider the inclusion of sustainability criteria in government procurement in the priority categories defined within a plan of sustainable public procurement in the country aligned with the objectives of a national policy for sustainable procurement and in the framework of a more comprehensive strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production that includes national priorities for sustainable development.
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Medición del impacto y avance de la compra pública sustentable en América Latina y el Caribe
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