Election of the President of the INGP 2015-2017
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During the private session of the XI Annual Conference of the INGP 2015 in Dominican Republic, Ms. Trinidad Inostroza, Director of ChileCompra was elected President of the INGP for the next two years (2015-2017).
In words of Ms. Inostroza, “this appointment is very important, it’s a great recognition of the progress of Chile on public procurement and its position in Latin America and the Caribbean. Public procurement is an important factor for the development of countries as it contributes to improve the trust in the institutions and the efficiency of public investment. Therefore, we must continue our work taking on a greater challenge on issues of transparency, integrity and inclusion in our countries and in the region.”
These are some of the responsibilities of the President of the INGP:
- Represent the INGP in regional and international events.
- Support the Technical Secretariat to manage resources and implement campaigns and activities to strengthen and enhance support from funding agencies that will enable long-term sustainability.
- Lead the implementation of the activities detailed in the Annual Work Plan and any other activity required for the consolidation and development of the INGP.
- When needed, request technical and administrative support from the Technical Secretariat for the proper operation of the INGP.

During the XI Annual Conference of 2015, the countries of the 5 sub-regions of the Americas elected their representatives to form the Executive Committee to the INGP for the period 2015-2017:
- Area 1 – North America: Luis Agis, Director, General Services Management, Puerto Rico.
- Area 2 – Central America and Dominican Republic: Edelmira de Molina, Chief of UNAC, El Salvador.
- Area 3 – Andean Community: Paca Zuleta, Director of Colombia Compra Eficiente, represented in the Conference by the Business Sub-Director, Nicolás Penagos.
- Area 4 – MERCOSUR and Chile: Santiago Jure, National Director of, Paraguay.
- Area 5 – Caribbean: Cheryl Mathurin, Public Procurement Coordinator, St. Lucia and Artemio Osorio, Budget Director, Belize.
Responsibilities of the Executive Committee:
- Ensure compliance with the basic standards for the organization and operation of the INGP.
- Define the most appropriate actions for raising funds from national, bilateral or multilateral sources for the proper fulfillment of the objectives contained in the Annual Work Plan of activities of the INGP.
- Organize the technical side, the budget and logistics of the Annual Conference in alliance with the Technical Secretariat and the host country.
- Receive information, documentation, statements, recommendations and annexes that support the performance of the predecessors. Develop and approve the Annual Work Plan and present it to the other members of the INGP during the Annual Conference.
- Support and coordinate the execution of the approved Annual Work Plan.
- Establish specific working groups formed by the members of the INGP to discuss and make proposals on specific issues.
- Coordinate with donor agencies and multilateral institutions in the implementation of projects and activities that support the objectives of the INGP.
- Cooperate with the Presidency and the Technical Secretariat to develop the best strategies and actions to gain resources from the INGP member institutions.
- Support the Technical Secretariat to obtain resources for its financial sustainability and to perform activities coordinated by the INGP.
Within the same session Jamaica was selected to host the XII Annual Conference of the INGP 2016.
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