Closure of nominations period for the Innovation Award on Government Procurement
Find in the RICG database information organized by thematics, countries and type.
At the close of the nominations for the second annual Innovation Award in Government Procurement, 2013, only twelve (12) innovative initiatives were approved by the RICG, by meeting the participation criteria established for the award.
Nine (9) countries in the region among them: Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, presented impact initiatives in the following two categories of Awards: 1. Innovation in the implementation of new information technology in government procurement and 2. Innovation in institutional reforms and/or regulatory framework.
During the public session of the Ninth Annual Conference of INGP to be held in the City of Montevideo, Uruguay from 17 to 19 September 2013, the winners of the awards will be presented.
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