“Close and Modern Government” in Mexico
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In order to comply with the with the plan for “Close and Modern Government” (Gobierno Cercano y Moderno) which is a main focus for the National Development Plan 2013-2018, the Public Procurement Policy Unit along with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público), have expressed their indispensable support for public agencies to complete procurement processes along the following lines:
- Disseminate and promote in the private sector the requirements for making a complaint, the authority of which the complaint should be addressed, and the sanctions that will be imposed according to the law; furthermore, public servants are to be trained on the current procurement laws.
- Promote cost reduction and generate efficiency through the use of procurement strategies such as (Consolidated Purchases, Framework Agreements, and Subsequent Offers), as well as evaluate alternative savings methods.
- Prefer the use the electronic system of CompraNet using the procurement norms established.
- Consolidate contracts that subscribe to the dependents or entities of the APF, clauses that indicate in case of a rift during its execution, the parties that can initiate the process of conciliation in accordance to the “Law of Procurement, Leasing, and Services for the Public Sector” and the “Law of Public Works and Services”, subjected with the same requirements that should be adhered by, as well as the application and the authority it must be presented to.
In order to comply with the procedures and commitments set by the program, two goals have been established as benchmarks for each public agency:
- 70 % of all procurement processes should be carried out electronically in someway through CompraNet (mixed procedures and electronical).
- Two strategies should be involved in procurement each year (Framework agreements, Subsequent Offers and/or Consolidation)
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