Call for Papers: Sustainable Public Procurement


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The project for “Sustainable Public Procurement: a tool for a green economy,” led by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), launches the following calls for expression of interest with the goal of identifying a researcher or a research institution for the drafting of following research papers: “Sustainable Public Procurement and the Small and Medium Enterprise” and “Indicators for the Progress and Impact of Sustainable Public Procurement. The document will serve as a base for the construction of an INGP thematic working group dedicated to the promotion of policymaking for the adoption of an inclusive sustainable public procurement.

The project will generate empirical knowledge for the design of sustainable government procurement, as well as the training of human resources to lead in the design and implementation of the aforementioned policies.
Applicants must show evidence of their professional experience and/or research in the following topics: Public Procurement, SMEs, Public Management, Economics, and academic research on the topic. The initiative will invest USD 13,000 for the completion of each document. 
For more information on the requirements and details on the calls please refer to the attached information. 
Deadline: Wednesday, May 14, 2014. 11:00 AM (GTM-4)

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Procurement and Public Official Career Concerns
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