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Colombia Compra Efficiente led the academic agenda in the Expoestatal 2013, an expo that brought together public procurers and state suppliers.
“In the third version of Expoestatal, Colombia Compra Eficiente presented a strategic vision in the system of public procurement, which should be focused in obtaining a larger return for the value of the public’s money, to materialize public policy, to deliver goods and services to the citizens, and comply with the functions of the state and goals of public agencies” explains Maria Margarita Zuleta, Director of Colombia Compra Eficiente. The academic agenda was aimed to public officials and involves the practices on the prices of Framework Agreements as a tool in the transformation for public procurement, and the importance of an annual plan for acquisitions and the codifications of goods and services in order to accomplish better results.
The objective this meeting is to increment business opportunities for the public and private enterprise in a transparent and effective atmosphere, specially when a country finds itself competing in FTAs.
A project that will establish a system of public procurement was presented at the end of the Expo.
Transformações na gestão de compras da administração pública brasileiraEl uso de la tecnología de la información en los procedimientos de adquisiciones y contrataciones del gobierno fe...
Estudo comparativo de redução de custos e tempo nas modalidades de licitação por pregão eletrônico e presencialA pesquisa analisou a eficiência do Pregão Eletrônico para compras de materiais e serviços e levantou as ...
29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more