Workshop on ICT and Public Procurement


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The Workshop on ICTs and Public Procurement is organized and financed jointly by the INGP, through the OAS, the IADB, the IDRC and the Spanish Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) in Guatemala.


The workshop was coordinated and directed by Javier Davila, Head Public Procurement Policy Unit of the Ministry of Public Service, along with the support from Chile, Ecuador and Mexico, and the help of Roberto Pinedo, director of ChileCompra, Marco Vera, Head of the Division of technology for ChileCompra, Francisco Paez, National Coordinator for the Innovation of Technology for INCOP in Ecuador, Francisco Lorenzana, Director of Electronic Procurement for the National Agency for Public Procurement in Mexico .


The conclusion of the workshop highlighted the need for governments in Latin America to advance in the incorporation and implementation of ICTs in public procurement to facilitate the costs of goods and services due to the development of a platform for e-Procurement, in which a governments or public enterprises can obtain an advantages such as a more transparent process of procurement, reduce the costs of transactions and expenses in the administration of notices, simplify and improve the efficiency in the its processes, standardize process and procedures, reduce or eliminate unnecessary procurement, augment the compliance in contracts, reduce procurement time and the execution of procedures, save on the costs in storage, and among others.

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