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- Disseminate the latest and best presentation of experiences in the modernization of public procurement.
- Contribute to the professional development and capacity building of members INGP.
- Promote dialogue and exchange of experiences and cooperation among leaders of public procurement in the region.
During the Seventh Annual Conference presentations are open to the public by international experts and managers from government procurement offices in the Americas. This time, among the topics addressed include: ICT as a tool for modernizing public procurement, institutional, and public procurement policies to support MSMEs, diagnostic systems and evaluation of public procurement, including others.
It is noted that during the Seventh Annual Conference awards the Prize Edition No. 2 “Joseph François Robert Marcello” Leadership in Public Procurement whereby recognition is given to public officials of the Americas committed to the development of this important task in public.
Cierre exitoso del Taller RICG sobre Subasta Inversa Electrónica (SIE)I. Contexto En el marco de la cooperación técnica regional con el propósito de fortalecer las institucion...
Mecanismo de Seguimiento de la Implementación de la Convención Interamericana contra la Corrupción- M E S I C I CCon el propósito de enfrentar la corrupción, el 29 de marzo de 1996 la Organización de Estados Americanos aprob�...
Working Paper Nº1The objective of the Task Temathic groups (TTGs) is to identify good practices at regional as well as the obstacles...
29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more