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The Sixth Annual Conference on Government Procurement of the Americas was held in Lima, Peru during the 13th and October 15th, 2010. Were performed on days 13 and 14 October the public meetings by international experts and managers from government procurement offices in the Americas. Among the issues discussed in these sessions include: The role of public procurement in the economic and social development, social inclusion through public procurement, sustainable public procurement, contracts and government procurement under globalization, new trends and developments in public procurement agenda in the Americas, among others.
During the meeting, members-only OAS officials and agencies, President INGP, Javier Davila, spoke about the activities of the various support programs since the last Annual Conference of the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (Mexico, September 2009) to the Annual Conference of Peru (Lima, October 2010).
Also alluded to the achievements of the Network and support programs and projects during this period, and the recognition of the agencies provided support in the activities of the Network said the award “Joseph François Robert Marcello” to leadership in public procurement in which there were 10 nominees and two winners, second, Shirley Gayle Sinclair of Jamaica and first Jorge Luis Gonzalez of Ecuador.
Webinar: “Shaping the Future through Sustainable Public Procurement: Actions from the Caribbean”The Organization of American States (OAS), as Technical Secretariat of the INGP, along with the United Nations Envi...
Workshop on Market Concentration, Collusion and Identification of Abnormally Low TendersThe Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) along with the support of the Inter-American Developmen...
29 February, 2024 Successful close of the XVIII Annual INGP Conference in AsuncionDigital transformation, y 10 más See more