Third Inter American Seminar on e-Procurement
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The Seminar was attended by 38 high-level representatives from 18 OAS’ member countries and 2 multilateral institutions. The countries were: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States and Uruguay.
The event was co-organized by the OAS and the Government of Chile. The sessions included presentations, workshops and round tables. The agenda addressed areas of high priority and interest that were identified by members of the Network during the II Seminar held in Sao Paulo in September 2004.
Topics covered in the workshops: E- Procurement tendencies in the Public and Private Sector, Role of electronic banking in E-Procurement, Global Experiences, Framework Contracts and procurement by e-catalogues.
Topics covered in the Discussion Forums: Strategies for the development of e-government procurement (presentation of country profiles identified by the OAS); Legal Framework of public 5 procurement, Institutional Organization; Security and Digital Signature; Externalization of Platforms; Assistance and Training for platform users; and Competitive Participation of SMEs in Public Procurement.
The last sessions of the seminar were concentrated on the institutionalization of the initiatives that had been introduced in previous meetings, including the Inter-American Network on EGovernment Procurement; the Inter-American Network of Central Government Procurement Institutions; and the presentation of the II Government Procurement Conference of the Americas.
The country representatives agreed to integrate all ongoing multinational initiatives in government procurement in the Americas under a single Inter-American Government Procurement Network and to establish an Executive Committee to carry out the coordination of activities with the support of the OAS.
The Network will integrate the ongoing efforts related to the Inter-American E-Government Procurement Network coordinated by ChileCompra, the II Conference of the Americas on Government Procurement, coordinated by the US-GSA and the initiative for the establishment of an Inter-American Network of Central Government Procurement Institutions, coordinated by CONSUCODE of Peru, as well as any other multinational initiative that were to take form in the future.
The Executive Committee is integrated by the countries that had hosted previous events (Peru, Costa Rica, Brazil, Chile) and those countries that will host the next events that are in the agenda of the Inter-American Network (United States).
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