The XIV INGP Annual Conference was held as part of the Global Public Procurement Conference.
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The Global Public Procurement Conference was held in Washington DC on September 18th and 19th, 2018, hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank in partnership with the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, International Development Research Center, organization of American States, Open Contracting Partnership and World Bank Group.
The two-day conference provided a forum for the discussion and dissemination of technological advances in government procurement where experts from around the world shared their best practices and participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest trends on how technology is helping leverage public procurement as a development tool in the different regions.
The event was structured under the following themes: disruptive technologies in public procurement, adoption and implementation of new technologies, strategic marketing for digital reform, data management, 2.0 and 3.0 contracting, 4.0 contracting monitoring, and digital transformation in small states.
More than 320 participants from 95 different countries gathered at the Global Public Procurement Conference with the participation of 35 international experts.
To access the Conference presentations, please follow this link:
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