Central America Sub-regional Workshop on Governmental Procurement
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The workshop is organized by the Government of El Salvador through the Treasury Department, the Organization of American States, the Inter American Development Bank, and the Support of the Canadian International Development Agency CIDA.
The main goal of the workshop is to meet the needs related to governmental procurement the countries of the region , and to generate a dynamic space to promote the exchange of experiences with leading institutions.
The main goal of the workshop is to meet the needs related to governmental procurement the countries of the region , and to generate a dynamic space to promote the exchange of experiences with leading institutions.
+ Aditional downloads
Presentation Gonzalo Neira
Lista de participantes
Informativo general para participantes
Guia presentadores Convenios Marco y Nuevas Modalidades de Contratacion
Guia presentadores Politicas de acceso para PYMES
Guia presentadores Reformas en compras publicas y el rol de los sistemas de electronicios de compras
Guia presentadores Rol de las compras publicas en la ejecucion presupuestaria
Sesion cerrada - Guía para facilitadores
Sesion Cerrada- Guía para Representantes por país
Sesion Plenaria - Guia para moderadores
Flujo de Información del Mapeo.pdf
INFORME MAPEO 02-01-2014.docx
+ Speakers
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