e-GP Maturity

Results for the maturity of eGP systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

The eGP systems of the Latin American and Caribbean region are at an early stage of maturity, all dimensions tend to be managed reactively and are mainly focused on providing information without yet being able to manage the entire purchase process within a single platform; only the governance dimension seems to be more mature; however, the institutional capacities to manage the transactional nature of electronic purchasing have not yet been created.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

Technological dimension

eGP systems have already incorporated some solutions for transactionality; however, their greatest weaknesses related to system security and interaction with emerging technologies, whose solutions are still reactive in the region.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

Functional dimension

Although eGP platforms in the Region tend to be quite mature in terms of portal management they are not yet ready to support the management of electronic procurement.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

Integration and interoperability dimension

This dimension is the least mature in the Region´s eGP systems. All actions are mainly reactive, focused on delivering information on demand and not in real time. The maturity of eGP platforms in terms of integration with other electronic platforms in the public sector is practically non-existent, and there are still no consolidated experiences.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

Data and information dimension

The maturity of the region’s eGP systems in this dimension is mostly reactive-informative, usually focusing on the provision of data on demand and not providing tools to work in real time and with structured and updated data that would facilitate electronic procurement within a single platform. The use of data to support and deepen transactionality is still incipient, and the region has therefore not yet accumulated maturity in data analytics and BI.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

IT governance and management dimension

The highest level of maturity of the eGP systems in the Region is observed in this dimension, mainly explained by the maturity reached in the support and maintenance of the platform, which is associated with the administration of the portal. Given that eGP platforms are mostly reactive-informative, the region has not reached significant levels of maturity in platform governance and management to support the entire government procurement process within a single portal.

Reactive-null [0]

Reactive-informative (0; 33]

Transactional-emerging (33; 66]

Transactional-autonomous (66; 100)

Transactional-optimal [100]

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