Maturity Model of Electronic Public Procurement and Contracting Systems 2.0 (eGP-MM)


This eGP-MM initiative was materialized within the framework of the INGP, under the leadership of the Fiscal Management Division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Organization of American States (OAS) as Technical Secretariat of the INGP; with the financial support of the Government of Korea, through the Korea Fund for Public Capacity Building and Economic Development administered by IDB.

This visualizer has been developed based on the analysis made of the survey “Electronic Government Procurement and Contracting Systems – Maturity Model 2.0” (“eGP-MM”), completed in 2020 and 2021 by national agencies for government procurement and contracting of 20 member countries of the INGP and 3 of its observer countries.

We hope that the results obtained be of use to the agencies responsible for public procurement and contracting in the region to: i) identify the strengths and opportunities for improvement of their eGP systems; ii) provide a roadmap for countries that will enable them to enhance the transactionality of eGP systems; and iii) promote the development of an effective strategy for the digital transformation of the countries.