Compliance indicators

Results on compliance with indicators of best practices in eGP in Latin America and the Caribbean

The eGP systems of the Latin American and Caribbean region generally show good coverage in the stages of the procurement process, which are supported by an adequate institutional design. The main weakness of the eGP systems in the region refer to the integration and interoperability of their platforms, which are at an Incipient stage of development.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

Technological dimension

The region’s eGP systems show certain strengths in technological infrastructure; but they are behind in the use of emerging technologies in ICTs and supports for platform transactionality.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

Functional dimension

The main functional strength of the eGP systems in the region is the availability of purpose-built portals for public procurement which follow good management standards; however, most of these portals are not yet enabled to manage the entire procurement process electronically.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

Integration and interoperability dimension

Only two eGP platforms in the region are beginning to be interoperable and integrated; the development of this feature for the rest of the eGP platforms is still very incipient. In particular, integration with other public-sector electronic platforms is practically non-existent.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

Data and information dimension

The region’s eGP systems make great efforts to make data available to the general public; but they do not yet incorporate data analytics and BI tools that will assist the user in a procurement process within the platform.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

Governance and IT management dimension

The region’s eGP systems tend to have an adequate institutional structure that supports the electronic platform; however, they show weaknesses when managing long-term projects to improve and update it.

Null [0]
Incipient (0; 33]
Intermediate (33; 66]
Advanced (66; 100)
Maximum [100]

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